Gabion Baskets

Gabion baskets are suitable for commercial and domestic landscaping, retaining walls, sea defences and more. Easy to install and long lasting, Fine Mesh Metals are happy to provide custom gabion quotes based on your requirements.

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Applications for Gabion Baskets

Stabilisation of earth movement - Large gabion wallsGabion baskets are used in many situations, including the stabilisation of earth movement and erosion, river control, reservoirs, canal refurbishment, landscaping and retaining walls. Welded mesh gabions are faster to erect and do not need tensioning. This allows them to keep their shape, to be free from bulges and depressions and fit easily against the wall. It is possible to cut holes in them if needed to pass pipes through and welded gabion baskets can also be machine filled.

Gabion Wire Baskets

We also sell gabion baskets to the public for bespoke or small projects. Gabions can be manufactured in welded mesh or woven wire and custom sizes are available.

Gabion Wall at Chelsea Flower Show  


Cost of Gabions

With custom gabion baskets and gabion cages available, it is possible to create a bespoke gabion solution to meet your exact needs. Use our gabion calculator to see the cost of a gabion based on your exact requirements.

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Leading UK Gabion Suppliers

As a UK gabion manufacturer & gabion supplier, we won't be beaten on price. Our welded mesh panels are made from the highest quality Grade A Galfan gabion wire. Even though there are now many poor weld strength and lightly coated imported gabion baskets now on the market, we will beat any like for like gabion prices. In doing so, our superior Galfan gabion baskets are available to those looking to buy cheap gabion baskets, but with no compromise on quality.

Customised Gabion Baskets

Gabions are customisable and you can sit them within each other to give a curved effect for home garden use, such as this example from the Chelsea Flower Show. Gabions can be planted in to soften edges, or if used for seating areas, slabs can be cut and placed on top of the wall to make a striking feature. When used for landscaping purposes, their versatility is limited only by imagination. For example, wine bottles have been used as an infill, or a recent trend is to half fill with stones and half fill with timber logs (please note this kind of fill is only suitable for decorative and not structural purposes).

Custom Gabion Walls

Fine Mesh Metals can insert a partition at the front of the gabion baskets so that expensive stone can be used at the front, whilst the rest of the gabion can be filled with lower quality aggregate.

We can also offer bespoke gabions for specific designs, from curves to steps.

An example of a domestic gabion baskets project is shown below. In this case, over the course of a weekend, a family dramatically improved their back garden, clearing away an old fence and installing a smart gabion wall. Gabion baskets are easy enough to install that no experience is necessary to get a good result. For larger projects, Fine Mesh Metals are happy to point you in the right direct of trusted gabion wall installers to help.

Garden Before Gabion Installation Completed Gabion Wall Installation


Welded Gabion Mesh Baskets

Galfan Wire Coated Gabion WallWelded mesh gabions are manufactured from Galfan Wire or triple life coated. Galfan is a zinc-aluminium alloy coating which delivers corrosion protection compared with standard zinc coating. We supply a range of gabion mesh products, with varied finishes for each scenario.

Galfan Gabion Baskets

3" x 3" (76.2mm x 76.2mm) x 3, 4 or 5mm Galfan coated (95% Zinc 5% Aluminium for up to 4 times the life of a galvanised finish) welded mesh Gabion baskets wire as per EN 10218-2. All mesh panels used to produce our baskets are European sourced and conform to EN10244-2 with a tensile range of 540-770N/mm2, steel grade 0.10% Carbon max, Weld sheer strength minimum 75% of the tensile strength of the wire.

Green Nature Gabion Baskets

We also supply gabion baskets in the same specification as the above but in Green Nature coated. Full specification 3” x 3” (76.2mm x 76.2mm) x 2.77/3.22mm 4life “4 times the life of a galvanized finish", then Nature coated welded mesh. Nature coated to an overall diameter or 3.22mm, average coating thickness is no less than 0.25mm, Nature" coating is based on PE and is superior to PVC in UV resistance or behaviour in cold temperatures. Main advantage is the environmental aspects including storage, use and recycling. Apart from that "Nature" is comparable to PVC. All mesh panels used to produce our baskets are European sourced from a European supplier IS0 9001, ISO4001, OHSAS 18001 registered and conform to EN10244-2 with a tensile range of 540-770N/mm2, steel grade 0.10% Carbon max, Weld sheer strength minimum 75% of the tensile strength of the wire.

Plastic Coated Gabion Baskets for Sea Defence

Plastic coated units are most suitable for coastal projects. The Gabions comply with the Department of Transport White Book specification, as detailed in section: 6.26/4, and amended August 1994.

Gabion Boxes & Mattresses

Custom Gabion Wall WalkwayGabion boxes and mattresses are made from 76.2mm x 76.2mm nominal (3" x 3") Welded Mesh, divided by diaphragms at 1 metre centres where necessary with wire diameters 3mm, 4mm or 5mm.

3mm diameter wire is used on lower retaining walls, 4mm diameter wire on medium to high retaining walls and the heaviest 5mm wire for the highest structures. Fine Mesh Metals also fabricate our gabion baskets in mixed diameter wire panels for clients where cost saving is important, providing customers with cheap gabion baskets which will still stand the test of time.

Gabion Cladding

Gabion baskets used as cladding can provide an attractive finish to buildings, walls and many other situations. Gabions of 0.3m to 0.5m are generally used and need to be attached to the existing building using clamp bars. At heights of 4 to 5m 4mm dia wire baskets should be used and above this height 5mm dia wire. The baskets are supplied with internal diaphragms, dividing the basket into partitions of no more than 700mm square.


Gabion Walls for Fencing

Gabion Wall for Fencing OverviewGabions have now become a trending outdoor feature and the construction of thin walls or cladding made from narrow depth gabions, have become popular in spaces where there isn't room for a retaining wall that follows the standard designs. As gabions require vertical faces and are narrow depth, extra support to provide stability is necessary. This can be provided by using metal or concrete posts at regular intervals inside the gabion basket.

Important - Seek Professional Structural Advice

We can't advise on the post specification or the spacing, as it does not follow our standard designs that have been calculated by a geotechnical consultant. The posts are doing the retaining, not the baskets. You will need to contact a geotechnical consultant for the design.


Fine Mesh Metals supply a range of gabion baskets specifically for this purpose, made from 4mm dia wire to provide the added strength required to prevent deforming of the face, with minimum basket depth of 0.3m, preferably 0.5m. The example in the image is for reference purposes only, it's for short walls and has not been designed or approved by a structural engineer.

Gabion Cage Sizes

Below are the standard gabion cage sizes we stock. Though we are able to produce any size gabion basket, it is best to keep to the sizes specified to minimise costs. If you do require a certain height, try to keep to combinations of 75mm, which is the gabion mesh size, to give full squares.

Box Gabions
Specification in Metres
Diaphragms Capacity cu. metres
0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5
0 .125
1 x 0.5 x 0.5
0 .25

1 x 1 x 0.5

0 .5

1 x 1 x 1

0 1
1.5 x .5 x .5
0 .325
1.5 x 1 x .5
0 .75

1.5 x 1 x 1

0 1.5
2 x 0.5 x 0.5
1 .5
2 x 1 x 0.5
1 1
2 x 1 x 1
1 2
3 x 2 x .3 (Mattress)
3 1.8
Sets of gabion steps 1m or 2m wide


Gabion Mattress

Gabion Mattresses

Gabion mattresses are useful when trying to avoid erosion in streams, river beds, reservoir beds and canal beds. The gabion mattress goes into the river and underneath a gabion wall to stop the river undercutting the wall at the edge where the water speed is fastest. For gabion cages more suited to preventing embankment erosion, a gabion wall is a better option.

Specification in Metres
Diaphragms Capacity cu. metres
3 x 2 x 0.300
2 1.80
3 x 2 x 0.225
2 1.35
3 x 2 x 0.150
2 0.90


Available in the Following Specifications


Two Gabion Baskets Filled with StoneTriple Life/Galvanised
76.2 x 76.2 x 3mm
76.2 x 76.2 x 4mm
76.2 x 76.2 x 5mm

Plastic Coated
76.2 x 76.2 x 2.7/3.2mm

Also available with 50 x 50 x 3mm faces for smaller stone infill




Gabion Stone & Filling Guidance

Fine Mesh Metals have vast experience in gabion cages and the correct type of gabion stone dependent on the use of the gabion baskets once installed. We are happy to provide advice on what gabion stone is best suited to your project.

Stone Fill

The stone fill should be in accordance with the engineers’ specification and needs to be a hard and durable material. The gabion/mattress fill should be not less than 100mm and generally not greater than 150mm with 90% being retained on a 100mm diameter ring. For a more attractive finish hand packing to the face is required prior to machine filling.

Material Average kg/m3
Basalt 1650
Brick 1240
Broken Concrete 1340
Granite 1600
Limestone 1440
Sandstone 1390
Shingle 1500
Slag 1500